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GOOD Pics :)

good images !!!!

blur motion 

1.This project is blur motion, when the subject is in motion and the camera is adjusted to where you can see the subject and not blurry .

2. The reason that i chose this time of photography is because it is good to practice taking images in this, the subject comes out really cool.

3.The reason that i think that these images are successful is because the subject came out really cool. At the perfect moment and how the sun hits the subject to make the image pop out more.

4. The reason that i think these images didn't come out right is because it wasn't good timing and in one image there is terrible lighting you can really see the subject in motion. They weren't good images for this project.

5. To make sure these images more successful is look at the background before you shoot like the lighting and dont rush for the perfect timing to come have patience.

6. This project taught me that you need patience to get a good image, and make sure you have the right adjustment in the camera and to have speed to take the image when it is the perfect image.

Forced perspective 

1. This project is forced perspective which is a optical illusion that makes something seem either bigger or smaller or closer than it actually really is. 

2. The reason that i picked this project is because its very interesting to see how the pictures come out and its a different way of taking pictures like using angles to make it actually look like an illusion.

3.The reason that in think these images are successful is because they were more creative and had better angle. Not only that they lighting is better you can see everything that is happening. 

4. The reason that i think these images are not successful is because they didn't come out as good as i wanted too and lighting is terrible there are some parts that i missed out on. They were not at the right moment like the car you cant really see the car in the picture.

5. The way that i would shoot these images to be more successful is that i would come up with better ideas and not rush to get a crappy picture have patience with think have different angles to make the image look like an optical illusion.

6. The project help me understand is that you can do so much more with them camera and the way you use the camera like trying to figure out an angle to get the image perfect and not look dumb.

BAD pics :(

alright images !!!!

Still life

perfect images $$$$

1.This is project still life which means having small items like action figure is a picture or something random to describe in bigger picture.

2. the reason that i chose this project is because its a creative way to tell a story or show how much something is worth. Using you imagination and make something that fake  come to life like using dinosaur in your project.

3. The reason that i think these images  are successful is because the lighting hit the object very well like they create shadows and just focus on the object not on the back ground.

4. The reason that i think these images were not successful because the lighting was terrible and it didn't really describe anything or show an explanation, just showed random things out together.

5. I would shoot these images better try adjusting the lighting and the focus on the camera to get the objects stand out more.

6. This project helped me learn that they more creative you are, the more the picture seems unreal how much lighting can change the image in whole different way .

Could be better images $$$

good images?

Individual Project track and xc

1. This is one of my first individual project of people running, not in blur motion though, track and cross theme pictures.

2. The reason that I chose this type photography is because i just love seeing people run and their faces are really funny, just seeing movement is really cool.

3. The reason that  think these images came out successful is because the editing came out really cool and just the image it self is really cool.

4. The reason that i think that these images were not successful is because the editing came out like shit and the sun just ruined the image. They could go came out better.

5. The way that i would shoot these images to make them successful is that i would take my time and adjust the camera to just zoom in the subject.

6. This project taught me, that subject that are moving are harder to take of especially if they cant do to again.Be smart and think before taking the image.


mmmm images ?

Individual project two b&w

*Great images 

1.  This project is my 2nd individual for turning images black and white, taking pictures that would look good black and white and going to photo shoot.

2. The reason that i chosed this type of style of photography is because it was fun and i personally think that these images look cool black and white.

3. The reason that i think these images were successful is because they look like they were made to black and white like from history/past. 

4. The reason that i think that these images were not successful cause just leaving it with color would look better. 

5. Next time if i shoot these images that i would, think if that would look good back and white.

6. This project taught me the different ways to edit in back and white look one part can be darker than other.

*Ugly images 

Individual project three portraits of sky 

1. This project is portraits of the sky it is either sunrise and sunset on top building or on top water. 

2. The reason that i chosed this type of photography is because the sky  are very beautiful edspecially in abq and when they are clouds its eve better. Its like waves in the sky

3. The reason that i think this images were successful is because the sunset or sunrise come out really cool and the editing makes the color pop out more.

4. The reason that i think that these images were not successful is because the sun light doesn't really shine in the image like stands out it kinda of blurry.

5. Next time i would take multiple images and not just a random sunrise that isn't good.

6. This project taught me how much color really makes a difference in the images or how much light it need.

Individual project 4 graffiti 

1. this project is graffiti art like under bridges or under abandoned buildings people showing there art to the world in a creative way. 

2. the reason that i choosed this type of photography is because I'm taking pictures of art that are colorful and creative and not so many people think so.

3. The reason that i think these images were successful is because the lighting from the sun or the flash came out great and the color pops out nice.

4. The reason that these images were not successful was because the angles and the editing  isn't that good, it needs to be more adjusted. 

5. If i were to shoot these images again i would not just take pictures of random things i would look for better graffiti and the editing i would pop the door out

6. This project taught me that color is important ed-specially if your taking pictures of other art.

Individual project 5 Doggy 

1. This project is of dogs the are edited in black and white or full color images of two dogs. 

2. The reason that i chose this project is because i thought it would have been a challenge to take images of dogs because all they do is move and that hit would have been cute.

3. The reason that i think these images were successful is because it is focused on the dog and not in the background, they dont really look like they were rushed.

4. The reason that i think these images were not successful is that they aren't focused right on the image and the lighting could be better as well.

5. The way that i would shoot these images if i were to do it again i would adjust the camera maybe put the flash to see if it changes anything in the image and the editing to make the color stand out more.

6. This project taught me that editing can change a lot about the image and it may work better to edit and focus is everything to the image.

Individual project 6 Portraits of homie lol 

1.The project is of portraits of my friend just me following where he is going. 

2. The reason that i chose this project is because i thought it would be easier to do a person than a dog and i wanted to compare the two ad this i got done really quick.

3. The reason that i personally think these images were successful is because they look cool like the background came out cool and the images are focused really well on the subject.

4. The reason these images were not successful is because they dont look natural or the focus didn't come out as good like in the first image.

5. If i were to shoot these images again i would take more time taking images so i can have a more verity and to not rush just cause i think it would look cool but to slow down and to adjust the camera.

6. This project taught me that pictures look cool when they are natural and not really planned out.


Altered portraits only have 6 images all together   

1. This project is altered portraits means which means that they are portraits of people heads that are edited. 2

2. The reason that i chose this type of photography is because its a great way to start photography, its not a difficult project. 

3. The reason that these images were successful because the editing wasn't terrible at all and the editing mage the picture better. 

4. The reason these images were not successful is because the editing was bad  and in one the filter makes the image look worse. The editing was more advance and the image didn't look good after.

 5. Next time i would shoot just the head cause it would look better and the editing would work better as well and there won't be that much editing. 

6. This project taught me the different type of editing that you can use and hard it really and to have patience with your work.

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